L’assemblée générale annuelle (AGA) s’est déroulée avec succès en par visioconférence, jeudi le 28 mars 2024 à 19hres. 


La Fondation est à la recherche de candidats pour combler quelques postes au conseil d’administration. Si vous êtes prêts à vous engager pour aider notre communauté des Collines à améliorer les soins et services de santé de notre région, SVP faites-nous part de votre intérêt en communiquant avec nous : dg@fsdc-dchf.ca


The Des Collines Health Foundation 2024 annual general meeting was successfully held by videoconference, Thursday March 28, 2024, at 7 p.m. 


The Foundation is also looking for candidates to fill a few positions on the board of directors. If you are ready to get involved in helping our des Collines community improve health care and services in our region, please let us know of your interest by contacting us: dg@fsdc-dchf.ca


2024 equipment purchase objectives are:

Wakefield Hospital

  • CellaVision DM system
  • Ferno Staircase lift
  • Chair bed for long term care unit and short term care unit x 3
  • Monnal Ventilator


  •  Self-locking rocking chairs x4

Cantley, Chelsea, Masham, Val des Monts

  • Bladder ultrasound x2
  • Stretcher
  • Vascular Doppler

Following Nora’s fall from the monkey bars, our six-year-old daughter received prompt and attentive care at Wakefield Hospital’s Emergency Room.

The attending physician set her arm under conscious sedation after remote consultation with Paediatric Orthopedic Experts in the region. After the procedure, a new set of x-rays confirmed the setting, and the Orthopedic team provided us with a comprehensive plan for her recovery, including a scheduled follow-up at their clinic in just three days.

We are incredibly grateful for the exceptional care Nora received at the Wakefield Hospital – and are deeply appreciative for everyone’s kindness and efficiency.

Nora summed up her experience best: “The doctor is very kind, and he’s very good with body parts!



<a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/health" title="health icons">Health icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a>
Two long term care facilities 
      • 24 beds at the CHSLD, Masham
      • 10 beds at the long term care unit of the long term care wing at the Wakefield Hospital 
Four community health centres (CLSC)
  • Cantley
  • Chelsea
      • La Peche
      • Val des Monts

<a href="https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/hospital" title="hospital icons">Hospital icons created by joalfa - Flaticon</a>


      • Emergency Room
      • Short term stay unit
      • Long term stay unit